Marketing and Sales BSC

Goal: Advertise, and increase customer- and supplier-base.

Financial Aspect

Customer Bookings
Increase profit from customer bookings by PHP 125,000.00 every quarter by implementing an Ad Campaign, wherein the company will advertise in magazines and bazaars.

PHP 30,000.00 is to be allotted a month for magazine ads, PHP 2,500.00 a month for Facebook ads, and PHP 10,000 a month for print advertisements.

 Supplier Subscriptions
Increase profit from supplier subscriptions by PHP 125,000.00 every quarter by offering employee incentives for reaching their quotas.

PHP 3,000.00 is to be allotted per employee that reaches his or her quota.

Internal Process Aspect

Newsletter Publication
Ensure that the company’s catalogue newsletter is published every month by implementing an Ad Campaign, wherein newly minted supplier subscriptions will be published and promulgated to current supplier and customer base.

PHP 3,000.00 is to be allotted for the production of the newletter per month.

Customer Aspect

 New Supplier Subscriptions
Increase the number of newly acquired supplier partnerships by about 4 subscriptions per month by offering employee incentives for reaching their quotas.

PHP 3,000.00 is to be allotted per employee that reaches his or her quota.

 First-Time Customers
Increase the number of first-time customers by about 14 customers per month by implementing an Ad Campaign, wherein the company will advertise in magazines and bazaars.

PHP 30,000.00 is to be allotted a month for magazine ads, PHP 2,500.00 a month for Facebook ads, and PHP 10,000 a month for print advertisements.

Employee Learning and Growth Aspect

 Sales Revenue
Increase total revenue brought in by a sales representative by PHP 10,000.00 per month by offering employee incentives for reaching their quotas.

PHP 3,000.00 is to be allotted per employee that reaches his or her quota.

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